Presentation Guidelines

Presentation Guidelines

Invited talks

25 min. talk + 5 min. discussions

Oral talks 

15 min. talk + 5 min. discussions
Please bring your own lap-top computer for your presentation of Invited and Oral talks.

Pre-poster short presentations

3 min.              
Presenters are requested to send 2-3 page viewgraphs in ppt or pdf format beforehand by Friday, October 28 to <>.

Exhibitors presentations 

5 min.
Presenters are requested to send 3-5 page viewgraphs in ppt or pdf format beforehand by Friday, October 28 to <>.
For Pre-poster short presentations and Exhibitors presentations, all the assembled ppt/pdf files will be installed in the computer supplied by the organizers.

Poster presentations

Posters must fit within 90-cm width x approx. 120-cm height. Participants must bring their printed poster with them, as printers will not be available at the conference site.